Physical Therapy
The physical therapists at Corona Health Care are licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility. Physical therapy ranges in physical methods such as modality treatment and progressive programs for balance and strengthening exercise. Our physical therapists will determine to best treatment for the patient’s needs and work through each method or exercise chosen.
Occupational Therapy
This form of therapy encourages rehabilitation through the performance of activities required in daily life. The goal of our Occupational Therapists is to develop, improve, and sustain independence to our patients who have disabilities or have suffered injuries. Each Occupational Therapy method will be personalized for the patient in need.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy is most commonly needed for patients who have recently suffered from a stroke. Ability to swallow and language problems usually occur when a stroke affects the one side of the body. Communicating post-stroke can be very frustrating, so our Speech Pathologists work closely with these patients to improve clarity and communication. Speech therapy can include physical exercises, thermal stimulation and dysphagia treatments to strengthen the muscles used for speech and swallowing.
Neurological Rehabilitation
This doctor-supervised program is for people with diseases, trauma, or disorders of the nervous system. The goal is to help the patient return to the highest level of function and independence. Neurological Rehabilitation programs may include: Assistance with daily living activities (eating, dressing, bathing, handwriting, etc), speech, stress and anxiety management, bladder and bowel retraining, exercise to improve movement, and much more.
Wound Care Stimulation
Electrical stimulation can be used to accelerate wound healing. Chronic wounds can become stalled between the inflammatory and proliferative phases, often requiring assistance to restore the wound. Electrical stimulation is an option to heal complex wounds, improve flap and graft survival, altogether improving surgery results.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Suffering a stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term adult disability. At Corona Health Care, rehabilitation is used to improve function so the stroke survivor can become as independent as possible. Physical, cognitive and emotional activities are used in rehabilitation based on the needs of each individual. The sooner stroke rehabilitation begins, the more likely you are to regain lost abilities and skills.
Brain Injury Rehabilitation
A brain injury can affect walking, talking, and thinking. Corona Health Care Center offers a number of treatments that attempt to restore the parts of life affected by a brain injury. Types of treatment involve: cognitive, speech, physical, and occupational therapy. Therapeutic exercise is also used to treat brain injuries. Length of the rehabilitation process varies according to the person and to the brain injury severity. Our staff is dedicated to creating a rehabilitation best suited to the patient’s individual needs.
Cardiac Conditioning
If recently diagnosed with heart disease, cardiac conditioning can help with recovery and resuming normal activities. It also helps reduce the chance of further heart problems. Cardiac Conditioning refers to exercise that strengthens the heart. Our specialists will design a program catered to the patient’s needs that include: a warmup, workout, and cool down. Learning and working through these conditioning exercises can decrease blood pressure and heart rate, increase lung function and muscular endurance, and much more.
Swallowing Disorder
Treatments for swallowing disorder depend on the cause, symptoms, and type. Our specialists will educate patients on exercises to improve muscle movement of the throat, positions or strategies to help swallowing effectively, and introduce specific food and liquids that are easier and safer to swallow.
Resistance Training
Any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance is resistance training. This increases strength, tone, mass, and endurance. Patients who use resistance training usually have an easier time moving through daily living activities. This is a very helpful form of exercise post-surgery or injury.
TPN / IV Therapy
TPN stands for Total Parenteral Nutrition. TPN is intravenous or IV nutrition. TPN is most commonly used when all or part of a patient’s digestive system does not work. It is also for those who need to supplement their diet and make up for the nutrients they are not getting from eating.